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Meet The Team

Led by our founder Karen Richards, Executive Coach & Mentor, our team is a diverse mix of passionate and experienced coaching and training professionals with a variety of commercial and business backgrounds. Using this breadth of experience, we support organisations across the world.


Karen Richards


Executive Leadership Coach & Mentor


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" As a coach, you are a privileged professional confidant and sounding board, often working in close partnership with the head of the board helping them as individuals, and with their senior teams to develop and establish a behaviours-led performance culture within their organisation."

Karen Richards, Founder of Uniqueily Global, is an accomplished Leadership Coach with over 24 years senior management experience in the Retail and Consumer industries, followed by 7 years working  in the City with a leading HR Consultancy. Karen is a member of the ICF and a Fellow Member of AC.


Following her own personal career transition journey, Karen discovered her passion for emotional intelligence in leadership and the direct influence upon performance. She founded Uniqueily Global in 2014 with a mission to educate and use emotional intelligence as a catalyst to embolden leaders, enhance the culture of the workplace and accelerate the achievement of business goals.


Karen believes the power of a high-performing and sustainable culture gives a business its single greatest asset: competitive advantage. This drives the organisation and defines the actions and road to success.


Karen and the Uniqueily Global team are based in London and New York, and work with leaders and teams within sectors as diverse as Investment Banking, Fashion and Premier League football.

Our Team

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Are you looking to be part of a collaborative team with a strong mission? We would love to discuss exciting opportunities we have coming up in 2024.

Please do get in touch.

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